web: https://www.envisioningcards.com/
by: Batya Friedman, Lisa Nathan, Shaun Kane, and John Lin
research evidence: Friedman, B., & Hendry, D. G. (2012). The envisioning cards: A toolkit for catalyzing humanistic and technical imaginations. Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ’12, 1145–1148.
cast study: Yoo, D., Huldtgren, A., & Woelfer, J. (2013). A Value Sensitive Action-Reflection Model: Evolving a Co-Design Space with Stakeholder and Designer Prompts. Chi 2013, 419–428.
Based on value-sensitive design, these cards are for imagining the impact of technologies on values and society.
"Designers often focus on the immediate context of use: how will a product be used by the person who purchases it? Designers rarely have the time to consider the long-term and indirect effects of their technologies. How will use of the product affect the user’s family and neighbors? If use of the product becomes common, how will it affect the larger community? How will people in a different culture adapt the product to their needs? What happens to the product after it’s thrown away?
We feel it is important to envision the long-term influence of new technology – as it spans across time, becomes pervasive throughout society, affects the lives of different stakeholders, and raises issues that touch human values. Based on nearly two decades of work in Value Sensitive Design, the Envisioning Cards are designed to evoke consideration and discussion of such concerns within the context of design practice."